Deep Wells

I want to drink from deep wells and harness the ability to nurture well keepers and deep well diggers. In a company where non thirsts; not for knowledge or truth. Where filters are innate and life giving wisdom in abundance. In this is my belly full and my soul nourished.


You can’t particularly blame a brother for feeling the way he does, if all he see’s and hear are devoid of the truth needed to inspire trust, from the point of going through the tides through to the end, nor can you hold a sister to ransom when she comes to God for a face lift because she is wrinkled with worry only to be turned away by the “Charismatic gimmicks” sugar-coated with soul-ish experiences which profits the spirit nothing.

Running Out of Time!

Everything is in fast mode.
Fast tempo songs, fast food, faster cars; fastest technology,
quick population of search results, quickies, fast love.
So fast our days seem to be on steroids.
It’s morning before you take a first stretch or turn over in bed.
Work hours are over even over before it begins.

We are indeed running out of time!

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Taking stock is a necessary part of growing up and the one question we each must answer out of personal conviction is a question of faith; it actually sets the tone for every value system.